Aromatherapy - Page 2 of 2 - Absolute Aromas

Where and When did the Organic Revolution Begin? After the Second World War ended, in 1946 the Soil Association began its mission on a single farm in Suffolk, England.   Established by two sisters, Eve and Mary Balfour, the Association began its quest to manage agriculture in...

Natural Aromas The simplest way to use aromatherapy to enhance your outdoor spaces is by carefully selecting which plants you choose to have around you.  A window or balcony box planted with fragrant Rosemary or any variety of Mint, from Apple Mint or Lemonbalm, to classic...

Where it all began…. Historically, Mothers’ Day is a celebration of mothers and maternal figures across the globe and can be dated back to the 16th century.  The ancient Greeks celebrated the ‘Mother of Gods and Goddesses’ Rhea every spring, by offering up gifts of seasonal...

When the days are shorter and the sun is lower, temperatures drop, making us want to stay indoors where it's warm and cozy. While the winter months have their charm (watching a film wrapped with a hot chocolate is not too bad after all), not...