30 Years of Absolute Aromas – An Interview with our Owners - Absolute Aromas

30 Years of Absolute Aromas – An Interview with our Owners

Owners Of Absolute Aromas

30 Years!  That’s a huge achievement, you must both be really proud!…

We are so proud, exhausted, and also surprised it has gone so fast!

What was your starting point and driving force behind starting the company initially? 

We had always had an interest in Aromatherapy and using the science behind nature – we were interested in how it can be used to support our bodies and our minds naturally.  We had used Essential Oils ourselves wanted to have our own company, so we had control of its direction, the ethos and we love being creative with it!  We also loved the idea of having a factory and the idea of the processes involved in getting to the end-product.

How has the business developed over the past 3 decades? 

We started the business at home, in our flat in 1994 selling a small range of pure Essential Oils with a focus on the quality of the oil and the ethical nature of the sourcing behind it.  30 years later are ethos remains the same, but our product lines have grown into the 100s.  We used to get paid in cash, visiting retail and travelling a lot, but now the business is mainly online so a little less travelling.  From working at home, we now have large premises in the heart of the Hampshire countryside where we have our offices, production centre, warehouse, and laboratory.

How has the market changed since the company started in 1994?

When we first started, our customers were primarily independently owned businesses and therapists who wanted premium quality Essential Oils they could trust to be pure and 100% natural.  These days, many businesses aren’t independently owned or have moved online.  The demand is still similar, and customers still look to us for quality they know they can trust.  The market has also developed – consumers’ fast pace of life means they are looking for ready to use products.  They also use Essential Oils in different ways – since social media has developed, there is a great demand for Essential Oils to use in natural home cleaning as people move away from using synthetic chemicals in their homes.

Absolute Aromas HQ, Hampshire

What are you doing to keep up with the changes in the market?

We try to follow what consumers want in terms of new product development and good price-points whilst maintaining great quality and products that are always fully tested in our on-site laboratories.

Has sourcing the raw material changed in 30 years? 

It hasn’t greatly – perhaps the way we communicate with suppliers has, as technology has developed, but we sill use lots of the same suppliers who we now have incredible relationships with.

Do you still use the same suppliers as when your business started? 

Some are the same, but a big part of our work is travelling the world to visit growers and suppliers, to find new trusted ones.

What are your favourite products?  Can you give us a few tips on how to use them? 

The Prevention Hand Spray was developed to help naturally cleanse when you’re on the go – great for use during Covid times… however its use has developed, and many people use it as a bug repellent and a foot de-odorising spray – it’s just such a versatile product and a handbag/travel essential.  Our Organic High Altitude Lavender Essential Oil I has always been and will always be a firm favourite too – it just smells amazing!

How have your board positions at IFIAT (The International Federation of Essential Oils and Aroma Trades) and the ATC (Aromatherapy Trade Council) influenced the business? 

We now know many people within these associations who are supportive and are a wealth of knowledge.  It’s a great community and definitely helps our mission to bring incredible quality products to the market.

Where do you see the company moving in 5 years’ time – are there any unfulfilled ambitions so far? 

We are looking to build the brand into the US and we will continue to develop more products and listening to what our customers want.

What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced while running AA? 

Initially the move to working online was a huge challenge, developing and maintaining websites and gaining new customers in this new way.  Then Covid and Brexit brought their own challenges, plus changes in regulations within the industry.

How would you describe the company’s missions and values in a sentence? 

Absolute Aromas is committed to delivering the purest, sustainable Essential Oils to promote natural health and wellbeing through the power of aromatherapy.

What are the most common uses for Essential Oils? 

The therapeutic values of Essential Oils are extensive, but we have found over the years some of the most recurrent uses are to aid sleep and relaxation.  This is why we developed some specific blends of oils such as Goodnight and Relaxation to support these needs naturally.

What should consumers look for when choosing high-quality Essential Oils? 

Choose a company you trust – we have a chemist on-site and the laboratory facilities to test everything – when oils are received from suppliers, every batch is tested for purity – sometimes a batch is rejected if it don’t meet our high standards of quality.  A key thing to look out for at other companies is is pricing – if every oil is the same price then there’s a great likelihood the oils have been diluted or doctored in some way.

What steps can consumers take to ensure they are purchasing sustainably sourced essential oils?

Come to us!

What are the environmental benefits of using Essential Oils compared to synthetic fragrances? 

You know you are using something natural that has been tested and used for hundreds if not thousands of years.  A natural fragrance is always closer to the real fragrance of the raw material and can also help bring you closer to nature.   Natural ingredients are often more environmentally friendly than synthetic ingredients as they are typically renewable and biodegradable.

Do you and Kay always agree on company decisions?!  What’s it like working closely with your family? 

We both always have strong opinions, especially when it comes to big decisions, which luckily so far, we have usually agreed upon!  We are also both open to be persuaded by the other if the argument is good enough!  Over the years all of our children have also helped us in the company – in the offices and at trade shows!

What products did you launch the company with? 

We started with 24 key Essential Oils and sold them in a stand, ready for shops to stock the whole range.  We sold carrier oils and oil burners too.

Can you hint at any new products you might like to develop in the future? 

Car diffusers – we used to make one and have been asked many times recently to bring this back!

What makes AA the best?!

Quality Quality Quality!