Castor Oil: Benefits, Uses, and Origin

Absolute Aromas Organic castor oil

The Long, Rich History of Castor Oil Use

The history of Castor oil can be traced back to ancient Egypt, where it was used for medicinal purposes, as well as to fuel lamps for light, and of course also for cosmetic use. Castor oil is derived from the seeds of the castor bean plant (Ricinus communis), has a rich and varied history that spans thousands of years. Its uses have evolved over time, but the oil has consistently been valued for its medicinal, cosmetic, and industrial properties. The earliest recorded use of castor oil dates back to ancient Egypt, around 4000 BC where Egyptians used it to enhance their beauty, serving as a moisturiser and a base for perfumes. During the Middle Ages, castor oil was introduced to Europe, where it continued to be used primarily for medicinal purposes. It was a common remedy for constipation and other digestive issues. Herbalists and physicians of the time recognised its benefits and incorporated it into their treatments. Ayurvedic practitioners used castor oil for its detoxifying effects, applying it both internally and externally to treat a range of conditions, from arthritis to skin diseases.

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The Oil Extraction Process

Castor oil is a vegetable oil derived from the seeds of the castor bean plant (Ricinus communis). Castor plants are native to the Ethiopian region of East Africa but are now cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, including India, Brazil, and China. The process of extracting Castor oil involves several steps, including seed collection, cleaning, pressing, and refining. Once collected, the seeds are cleaned to remove any dirt, debris, or impurities – this cleaning process ensures that the extracted oil is of high quality. Then the seeds are de-hulled (removing the outer case) and are then ground into a coarse mixture which is then heated to facilitate oil extraction… The heating promotes rupturing the oil cells in the seeds, making it easier to extract it. Once the oil is extracted it is refined to obtain the pure, clear, honey-like clarity that we love.

Castor Seeds - Absolute Aromas

Composition of Castor Oil

Castor oil is rich in ricinoleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid that constitutes about 90% of the oil. This unique fatty acid is responsible for many of the oil’s therapeutic properties. The oil also contains oleic acid (oleic acid is a common ingredient in skincare products due to its ability to penetrate deeply into the skin, providing hydration and reducing dryness) and linoleic acid (linoleic acid helps maintain the skin’s barrier function to protect it), which contribute to its beneficial effects.

Benefits of Castor Oil

Moisturisation: Castor oil is an excellent moisturiser due to its high ricinoleic acid content. It penetrates deep into the skin, providing hydration and supporting moisture balance. Its rich thickness feels luxurious to the touch. The properties of the ricinoleic acid help soothe irritated skin, making it beneficial for those who suffer with sensitive, dry or rough skin. Its gentle qualities mean it’s suitable for use on facial skin including brows which it may help support growth. Due to its luscious thick nature, it’s great diluted into a thinner oil like Sweet Almond Oil when used in massage to make it spread and absorb easily.

Castor oil also has naturally anti-bacterial properties that can help reduce acne-causing bacteria. It also helps unclog pores, leaving you feeling naturally cleansed. It helps in maintaining great skin health and may improve appearance of scars and stretch marks. Due to its hydrating properties, castor oil is used in lip balms or alone to keep lips soft and can be used alone on lips as the perfect protective barrier to moisture loss during the colder months.

Castor Oil is also a great addition to your eco-cleaning routine too because of its anti-bacterial nature. It’s also is a natural, non-toxic alternative to chemical-based cleaners, making it safe for use around children and pets. It’s super-versatile too and can be used in a variety of cleaning applications, such as polishing furniture and solid wood worktops – a little goes a long way with castor oil, so use it sparingly to avoid any greasy residue. Mix castor oil, water, and a few drops of your favourite Essential Oil (such as Lavender, Lemon, Tea Tree or Eucalyptus) in a spray bottle and use it to clean sinks and surfaces. To use castor as a stain remover, mix it with baking soda to form a paste, just apply the paste to the stained area, let it sit for a few hours or overnight, and then wash the item as usual. Do always make sure you test your home- made mixtures on a small area before embarking on larger sections.

Castor oil is also biodegradable, which means it breaks down naturally in the environment without leaving harmful residues so you can wash it away without worrying about pollution. This property makes it an eco-friendly alternative to many synthetic chemicals that can persist in the environment and cause pollution.

Ricinus communis castor plant


How to Use Castor Oil to Boost your Self Care Routine…


For a richly nourishing skin treatment, apply a small amount of castor oil to the skin and massage gently. It can be used directly or mixed with other oils like coconut or almond oil. Use as a face mask by leaving on the skin while you relax in the bath and your skin will be left soothed and smooth. The warmth of the bath will encourage pores to open and boost deep absorption. For a restorative hair treatment, warm the oil slightly and massage it into the scalp. Leave it on for at least an hour or overnight (wrapped in a towel or turban to avoid it getting on bed sheets and pillows), then wash it out with shampoo and condition as usual. Castor oil can easily be blended with Essential Oils to enhance its use – try Rosemary Essential Oil in your hair treatments if your suffer from thinning, fragile hair, or some Peppermint Essential Oil to help you feel stimulated and awakened during your morning shower! Try it on your brows to boost growth and style them too! Remember, it is always recommended to patch test any new oils on a small area of skin before use, and avoid use before checking with a medical practitioner if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.

Ready to elevate your self-care routine? Get started with our Organic Castor Oil.


Why is Castor Oil having a moment of popularity?

Castor oil is widely available and relatively affordable compared to other specialty oils and treatments and extremely cost effective when compared to pricey skin creams and treatments. At Absolute Aromas you can choose between Organic or regular castor oil– the Organic option is one of our most popular products currently and has been produced without the use of any synthetic pesticides or chemicals and certified by the Soil Association. The castor plant is relatively easy to grow, does not require extensive fertilisation or maintenance, and the oil extraction process is straightforward. Castor plants can also grow on marginal lands that are not suitable for food crops, reducing competition for arable land. This makes castor cultivation a viable option without significantly impacting food production or leading to deforestation. Moreover, castor oil is biodegradable and non-toxic, making it a preferred ingredient in eco-friendly products.

The popularity of castor oil today can be attributed to its natural origin, extensive health and beauty benefits, versatility, and alignment with current trends towards sustainability, wellness, and holistic health. Its validation by scientific research further enhance its appeal, making it a preferred choice for a wide range of applications. As consumers continue to seek out effective, natural, and eco-friendly products, castor oil’s prominence is likely to endure. Remember to keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages for lots of tips on uses for our gorgeous Castor Oil!